HDI and HDI CATS host an ADA Training series held on the fourth Thursday of each month covering different topics surrounding the Americans with Disabilities Act featuring Jason Jones as the lead speaker.
In August, the talk will focus on “Physical Accessibility of Places of of Public Accommodation: Exploring Title III Cases.” Join us on August 22 from 10-11am online or at HDI CATS on 2358 Nicholasville Rd. Suite 180, Lexington, KY.
August Registration: http://bit.ly/PublicAccommodationCases
https://hdi.hdiuky.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/PhysicalAccCaees-1-1.pdf Continue reading
Tag: Jason Jones
4th Thursday ADA Talks
HDI and HDI CATS host an ADA Training series held on the fourth Thursday of each month covering different topics surrounding the Americans with Disabilities Act featuring Jason Jones as the lead speaker.
In July, the talk will focus on “Program Access and Structural Accessibility of Public Services: Exploring Title II.” Join us on July 25 from 10-11am online or at HDI CATS on 2358 Nicholasville Rd. Suite 180, Lexington, KY.
July Registration: bit.ly/4thThursdayJuly252019
Certificates are also available for CEUs. You can join us in person or from PC, Mac, Linux, or mobile device: https://uky.zoom.us/j/733152217 or by phone: 1-646-876-9923 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 733 152 217. For more information, email hdiatcenter@l.uky.edu.
See all upcoming ADA Talks for the year.
Spring Seminar: Service Animals and the Americans with Disabilities Act
“Each day in the United States service dogs provide an invaluable service for their handlers. Whether it is assisting someone who is blind to navigate busy streets, or alerting a handler with diabetes that their blood sugar has dipped dangerously low, service animals are essential partners in everyday life. There remains a great deal of confusion on the part of the public as to what is and is not a service animal as well as the rights and responsibilities handlers and business have under the Americans with Disabilities Act and other laws. This seminar will answer those questions.” – Barry Whaley
The last session of our Spring Seminar series was held on Friday, April 19, 2019 from 1:00 – 3:00pm EST about “Service Animals and the Americans with Disabilities Act .”
We learned more from experts Steve Kuusisto, Barry Whaley, and Jason Jones. The seminar was held at the UK Coldstream Research Campus Human Development Institute Training Room 1525 Bull Lea Road, Lexington KY. A link to the live video stream of the seminar was sent to registrants.
For more information, contact walt.bower@uky.edu. Continue reading
Lexington ADA Taskforce Leads the Way on State Residential Code Changes Toward Universal Design!
Two residential building code changes written by a subcommittee of Lexington’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Task Force have now been adopted as part of the 2018 Kentucky Residential Code (KRC). With support from leaders in Lexington and the leadership of the ADA Task Force, these two KRC codes went into effect August 22, 2018 for the benefit of all Kentuckians! Continue reading
The 4th Thursday ADA Talks: September
HDI and HDI CATS have launched an ADA Training series to be held on the fourth Thursday of each month covering different topics surrounding the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The next training will be led by Jason Jones and will cover Disability & Law Enforcement: Interaction and Emergency Response on September 27, 2018 from 10-11am. You can register here or get more information by emailing hdiatcenter@l.uky.edu. Continue reading