Project Archive

Bingocize® is an engaging international health program infusing exercise, health education, and the game of bingo. In partnership with Western Kentucky University through funding from Kentucky Department for Public Health, HDI’s work includes enhancing the program with Universal Design strategies and connecting with programs throughout Kentucky to provide training and ...
Brighter Tomorrows offers Web-based information on Down syndrome diagnoses to families and physicians alike. Both the family and the physicians’ versions feature videos of virtual families and their interaction with physicians. In addition to frequently asked questions and answers, the Family version, available in both English and Spanish, offers a ...
The Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities has been awarded to the University of Cincinnati UCEDD, as a five UCEDD collaborative that includes HDI. The Center’s goal is to identify and reduce life-limiting healthcare inequities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) by improving access to ...
Employment First is the philosophy that everyone, including people with significant disabilities, can work in integrated employment. In Kentucky, competitive and integrated employment in the community is the first and primary option for persons with disabilities of working age who have communicated a desire to become employed. Kentucky became an ...
In partnership with the Kentucky Division of Developmental Disabilities and the HealthMatters Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago, HDI’s Health & Wellness Initiative has implemented a statewide scale-up of the HealthMatters: Exercise and Nutrition Health Education Curriculum.  The aim is to improve the health of people with intellectual and developmental ...
The Health Partners Program was a project created and piloted by HDI’s Health & Wellness Initiative which emphasized holistic health and self-determination for people with disabilities and a health partner of their choice. This program utilized an exciting curriculum called Healthy Lifestyles for People with Disabilities from the Institute on ...
The ILSSA staff assists states in reaching their goals for including all students in assessment and accountability systems. Activities include: working with stakeholders to ensure state standards apply to all students; developing alternate assessments and training personnel to be involved in the development of the assessment and scoring procedures; addressing ...
This website is a tool for teachers and students across the state of Kentucky who recognize the power of students of all ability levels working together and who want to create, improve and maintain successful peer buddy programs within their schools. Currently, a number of high schools in Kentucky offer ...
The Kentucky Peer Support Network Project aims to foster friendships, learning, and inclusion for students with significant disabilities in Kentucky. The project provides in-depth training to schools on setting up peer support networks of three to six students who support a peer with significant disabilities in school, extracurricular, and social ...
The Kentucky Transition Signal has been an interagency collaborative effort between 21 different state agencies. Fiscal support for the Collaborative came from the Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Learning Services. The mission of the Kentucky Transition Signal has been to assist students with disabilities and their families in making ...
KentuckyWorks aims to enhance employment opportunities for youth and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout Kentucky ...
The Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (MHDD) National Training Center is a collaboration between the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities at the University of Kentucky, University of Alaska Anchorage, and Utah State University. Established in 2018 through funding provided by the Administration for Community Living, the center aims ...