laptop sitting on a desk with blurred background

HDI to pilot Professional Certification in Universal Design

A University of Kentucky (UK) Human Development Institute (HDI) Fund for Excellence award has been given to Christina Espinosa Bard and Patti Singleton to offer a professional certification to equip people to use the principles of Universal Design (UD) in the workplace. This will expand HDI’s current undergraduate certificate program available to UK students from any field of study.

HDI is a national leader in embedding UD practices in learning by examining goals, materials, methods, and assessment for usability factors. These practices will be used to develop and pilot a six-hour certificate program that will include case studies and activities to support practical application of UD principles in the workplace.

To increase capacity and raise awareness about UD principles, UK employees will be provided an opportunity to complete the certificate at no cost to them. This project supports HDI’s mission of promoting the inclusion and contributions of people with disabilities through information sharing, leadership, and advocacy. 

Contact or for more information.

Young man with brown hair and beard wearing a black coat and brown flannel shirt seated at a library table in front of books. Multi-colored 3D printed objects are on the table.

Eagle Scout Project Supports Alternative Communication

Nate Slack, a senior at West Jessamine High School and member of Boy Scout Troop 473 at the Nicholasville United Methodist Church, completed his Eagle Scout project by leading volunteers to print 3-D tactile symbols developed by the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill – Project Core. Nate used resources provided by the Jessamine County Public Library to print these symbols that are an alternative form of communication for children who are blind. The 45 printed objects will be donated to the Human Development Institute Center for Assistive Technology Services (HDI CATS).

HDI CATS is the Assistive Technology Regional Center serving Lexington and the surrounding area. HDI CATS provides assistive technology (AT) activities in accordance with the federal Assistive Technologies Act of 1998, as amended. AT is any item or piece of equipment (both low-tech and high-tech) used to improve and/or maintain independence in the home, at work, school or play.

Nate will present his project to the Eagle Board of Review in the coming weeks. If the project is approved, he will be the 91st Eagle Scout from Troop 473. HDI CATS appreciates this extraordinary donation that will benefit the children and families that we serve.

Learn more about HDI CATS at

HDI CATS Contact
Christina Bard-Espinosa

Smiling woman with long brown hair.

HDI 50th Anniversary Spotlight on Christina Espinosa Bard

To me, HDI is my place, my dream job. I hope to stay with HDI for the duration of my career. I feel so blessed and lucky to be a part of HDI, and to get to do work that I love, that I continue to learn from, and that can make a difference individually and systemically. —Christina Espinosa Bard, MRC, CRC, HDI Community Education Director

How did you come to know HDI? 

Dr. Sheppard-Jones was adjunct faculty in my Master’s program, Rehabilitation Counseling.    Continue reading

Jason Jones and Christina Espinosa Bard Presenting at the City Council Meeting

Lexington ADA Taskforce Leads the Way on State Residential Code Changes Toward Universal Design!

Two residential building code changes written by a subcommittee of Lexington’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Task Force have now been adopted as part of the 2018 Kentucky Residential Code (KRC). With support from leaders in Lexington and the leadership of the ADA Task Force, these two KRC codes went into effect August 22, 2018 for the benefit of all Kentuckians! Continue reading

ADA Talk Flyer

The 4th Thursday ADA Talks: March

HDI and HDI CATS has launched an ADA Training series to be held on the fourth Thursday of each month covering different topics surrounding the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The next training will be led by Jason Jones and will cover ADA and EMPLOYMENT: Exploring TITLE 1 on March 22 from 10-11am. You can register at or get more information by emailing

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