Photo of Harold Kleinert, Stephanie Meredith, and Sean Roy

Perspectives on Youth and Family Engagement

By Amanda Kelley Corbin

Sean Roy (right), who is the Youth Employment Solutions (YES!) Center’s state liaison to Kentucky and a training associate with TransCen (adapted from “Transition Center”), a national nonprofit organization that specializes in school-to-work transition for students with disabilities, was a guest speaker at a recent KentuckyWorks community conversation and parent engagement training session. Before the events, he provided his perspectives on youth and family engagement around employment for students with disabilities. Continue reading

ADA July Flyer--content in article

The 4th Thursday ADA Talks: July

HDI and HDI CATS have launched an ADA Training series to be held on the fourth Thursday of each month covering different topics surrounding the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The next training will be led by Jason Jones and will cover Program Access and Structural Accessibility of Public Facilities: Exploring Title II on July 26, 2018 from 10-11am. You can register at or get more information by emailing

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Governor Bevin signing Executive Order about Employment First, including Katie Wolf Whaley

Governor Issues Executive Order Making Employment for People with Disabilities a Top Priority in Kentucky

On May 15, 2018, Governor Matt Bevin signed Executive Order 2018-328 to add Kentucky to the growing list of states with Employment First policies for people with disabilities. This Order will ensure that competitive and integrated employment in the community shall be considered the first and primary option for persons with disabilities who want to become employed. This means that all state agencies will work toward making sure people with disabilities have opportunities to work in the community and offer valuable skills to their employers while receiving a competitive wage. Continue reading

KentuckyWorks Morehead Community Conversation Update

A Community Conversation held in Morehead, Kentucky on February 27, 2017 identified two major projects local volunteers determined would provide significant initiative to promote the transition of youth from school to work. One was the development of a Project Search like activity and remains in the early stages of development. The other is an employer engagement project referred to as the Inclusive Community Project for which a significant amount of progress occurred during the reporting period.  Continue reading

ADA Talk Flyer

The 4th Thursday ADA Talks: March

HDI and HDI CATS has launched an ADA Training series to be held on the fourth Thursday of each month covering different topics surrounding the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The next training will be led by Jason Jones and will cover ADA and EMPLOYMENT: Exploring TITLE 1 on March 22 from 10-11am. You can register at or get more information by emailing

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