Two young preschool-aged boys working with a teacher on a puzzle.

Supporting Kentucky’s Child Care Programs

As part of Kentucky’s response to COVID-19, up to 38,000 Kentucky childcare providers will complete mandatory training to fulfill requirements to re-open their programs. Child Care Aware (CCA) of Kentucky, a program within the UK Human Development Institute (HDI), began working with the Division of Child Care (DCC) on May 20 to release training by June 1. Using a rapid development design, CCA/HDI staff developed the training and had it online on May 26 for DCC review and approval. The training was also provided with Spanish captions and translation of quiz questions.

ECE 020: Requirements for Reopening Child Care in Kentucky is offered at no cost to providers through HDI’s Online Learning Center found at

The CCA Content Coordinators worked with DCC staff to develop training to promote and support the safety for their staff and the children they serve. This includes current regulations on healthy and clean environments; new and enhanced regulations for child care programs open during the COVID-19 state of emergency, and a refresher course on mandatory reporting of child abuse.

Approximately 6,500 providers have completed the training that went live on June 1. For more information, visit