The Kentucky Post School Outcomes Center Takes on a New Look

The Kentucky Post School Outcomes Center (KYPSO) has a new project logo. KYPSO, a project of the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute, introduces a new logo that signifies growth and blossoming to represent the transition from high school to adult life for students with disabilities.

It takes a substantial investment of time and effort for growth and blossoming to occur.  For the past decade, the majority of KYPSO’s work has involved the Kentucky Department of Education, special education cooperatives, and some local education agencies.  Although their work with these partners continue, their goal is to increase the capacity of more local education agencies, teachers, parents, adult service providers and other community groups to provide exemplary transition planning.

KYPSO collects vital data that can and should be used to improve student post school success. Their annual administration of the Youth One Year Out former student interview (or the “YOYO”) will measure outcomes including employment, postsecondary education and independent living one year after a student exits high school. The public can access and search data categories at the KyPSO web site.

In addition to providing data, KYPSO provides technical assistance to anyone interested in learning ways to promote and support transition planning.  Contact KyPSO staff at with questions or to request additional information.  Help us build community and promote our work by following us on Facebook.

Join the KYPSO staff in improving outcomes for Kentucky’s young adults.

Boy with Jacobsen syndrome

Research Brief Spring 2017

Having a Son or Daughter with Jacobsen Syndrome/11q Deletion Syndrome: Perspectives of Parents

by Stephanie Meredith, Anthony Lobianco & Harold Kleinert

Jacobsen syndrome (JS) is a rare genetic condition that often causes intellectual disabilities and health issues and has recently been added to various cell-free DNA prenatal screening tests. This condition often includes multiple physical features, a blood disorder, serious congenital heart defects in about 56% of patients, and a range of intellectual disabilities (ID). Individuals may also experience mild to moderate impairment in expressive language, vision problems, digestive issues; and common infections of the upper respiratory system [Grossfeld, 2004]. However, because JS is relatively rare, psychosocial research has never been performed on this population. Correspondingly, a patient education resource about this condition has not yet been published that reflects “the medical and psychosocial implications of the diagnosis” identified as a priority in the ACMG guidelines when providing information to prospective parents learning about screening results.

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