black graduation caps being thrown in the sunset sky

Kentucky Post School Outcome Center Begins Data Collection

The UK Human Development Institute (HDI) houses the Kentucky Post School Outcome Center (KyPSO) to increase the capacity of local school districts, teachers, parents, and adult service providers to provide exemplary transition planning and increase student success. This is accomplished through the collection and reporting of data related to post school plans and outcomes, and the provision of training and technical assistance.

The Kentucky Department of Education contracts with KyPSO to collect secondary data about students with disabilities to identify factors that may contribute to successful transition planning and outcomes. Data are collected through the “Youth One Year Out (YOYO)” former student interview. The YOYO includes a series of questions about post school employment and education, the student’s personal experiences, involvement with other agencies, living arrangements, and community engagement. The KyPSO staff collect and analyze the data to create reports for district, regional and state-level staff.

Visit or follow us on and Facebook at to learn more about KyPSO and its resources.

Project Contact:
Tony Lobianco, PhD