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4th Thursday ADA Talks: September

HDI and HDI CATS host an ADA Training series held on the fourth Thursday of each month covering different topics surrounding the Americans with Disabilities Act featuring Jason Jones as the lead speaker.

In September, the talk will focus on “Religious Institutions and the ADA.” Join us on September 26 from 10-11am online or at HDI CATS on 2358 Nicholasville Rd. Suite 180, Lexington, KY.

September Registration: Continue reading

Darrell Mattingly photo

HDI 50th Anniversary Spotlight on F. Darrell Mattingly, Jr.

HDI means “family.” We have common goals and values moving toward an ever changing but bright conclusion that we will never reach. Work goals, research, best practices flow like the tide; they come and go, but our values remain. As long as we stay true to our values and principles, HDI will remain a guiding star for the Commonwealth for many more years.
—F. Darrell Mattingly, Jr., HDI Web Developer

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Athletic man in a wheelchair lifting weights.

Wellness Edge Subawardees Announced for Year 2!

In 2018, the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute (HDI) received a three-year grant totaling $600,000 from the Administration on Community Living. The project, Wellness Edge, is a Paralysis Resource Center State Pilot program grant. This grant builds connections within local communities to enhance and facilitate access to recreational programs to better serve people with paralysis and their support networks.
Each year, Wellness Edge provides grants of up to $10,000-$24,999 to community organizations that provide organized recreational activities that are intentionally designed to benefit individuals, groups or communities. Wellness Edge is led by a ten-person advisory committee made up of advocates who understand the importance of recreation in the overall quality of life for people with paralysis. Smaller review teams from that group grade the applications and decide on awards. Read more below about each of our subawardees for Year 2 and their proposed programs! Continue reading

Katie Wolf Whaley Photo. she is wearing a grey dress and speaking using a microphone in front of a black background

HDI 50th Anniversary Spotlight on Katie Wolf Whaley

HDI is a place where people are given the opportunity to learn new ideas, study new research and implement new ways of understanding and supporting people with disabilities to live their best life. It is a place for families, the University community and all Kentuckians to better understand the complex issues in society around people with disabilities that do not get near the attention they deserve. It is a place that makes connections and shows possibilities.
—Katie Wolf Whaley, Project Director of the Supported Employment Training Project

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