Evan Miracle sitting in a chair and smiling at camera

Project E3: Video Profiles of People with Disabilities Employed in Kentucky 

by Patti Logsdon
Rural communities encounter unique challenges for people with disabilities in achieving competitive, integrated, and lasting employment, as well as community participation and integration. Project E3 is a Vocational Rehabilitation technical assistance project that aims to help people with disabilities from underserved, economically disadvantaged communities throughout the country achieve their independent living and employment goals.  
Kentucky has two targeted communities – which are defined as rural and remote, and have high poverty levels – that receive intensive technical assistance, enabling State VR agencies and partner organizations to improve outreach and employment-related services to underserved individuals with disabilities. The interventions have been developed around addressing identified barriers to employment and community integration. In Kentucky, we are working with two groups: transition age youth (16-24) with developmental disabilities and/or specific sensory impairments such as blindness or deafness, and people of all ages with mental health diagnoses. Continue reading

Tina Buster

50th Anniversary Spotlight on Tina Buster

“Results”…Since I’ve been here I see the results of the hard work provided by the individuals employed here. I’ve seen how we’ve grown from the state of Kentucky throughout the US helping individual become better educators for individuals with disabilities. This is a place of “results;” we see them daily in the faces of those we’ve helped.
—Tina Buster, Human Development Institute Staff Associate

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