A Community Conversation held in Morehead, Kentucky on February 27, 2017 identified two major projects local volunteers determined would provide significant initiative to promote the transition of youth from school to work. One was the development of a Project Search like activity and remains in the early stages of development. The other is an employer engagement project referred to as the Inclusive Community Project for which a significant amount of progress occurred during the reporting period. Continue reading
Author: HDITrex
The 4th Thursday ADA Talks
HDI and HDI CATS have launched an ADA Training series to be held on the fourth Thursday of each month covering different topics surrounding the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The next training will be led by Jason Jones and will cover Public Transportation & the ADA: FTA-DOT Regulations on August 23, 2018 from 10-11am. You can register at https://uky.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dmuHhROVAnYfsON or get more information by emailing hdiatcenter@l.uky.edu.
Join us:
In person – HDI CATS – 2358 Nicholasville Rd. Suite 180, Lexington KY
From PC, MAC or mobile device: uky.zoom.us/j/8592577225
By phone 1.646.558.8656 meeting id: 8592577225
We were trained by the Southeast ADA to provide trainings on topics that cover the ADA. We are just beginning with a 4th Thursday ADA series, and have a different topic each month. These are intended to increase understanding of rights and responsibilities offered through the legislation. Certainly a good opportunity to increase capacity of providers! —Christina Espinosa-Bard, Center for Assistive Technology Services Director.
View the flyer.
Mark your calendars for upcoming ADA Talks:
Public Transportation & the ADA: FTA-DOT Regulations: August 23, 2018
Disability & Law Enforcement: Interaction and Emergency Response: September 27, 2018
ADA & Public Accommodations: Legal Applications of Title III: October 25, 2019
(No 4th Thursday ADA Talks in November & December)
Accessible Technology & the Workforce: AT as a Reasonable Accommodation: January 24, 2019
Building Healthy Inclusive Communities
“Inclusion is vital in today’s society for so many reasons and health is one of the most important! In order for people with a disability to be included they must be invited to participate at all levels from the planning process down to the programs. NCHPAD is here to help all organizations commit to inclusion in their programs and practices when it comes to health and wellness.” —Kelly Bonner
Join us in person or online for our Spring Seminar series on Friday, April 27, 2018 from 1 – 3pm ET to learn more about the “Building Healthy Inclusive Communities .” Learn more from Dr. Kelly Bonner, Senior Inclusion Specialist at the National Center on Health, Physical Activity & Disability—NCHPAD. She is a Certified Inclusive Fitness Trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine and has a passion for designing inclusive workout programs. Additional NCHPAD staff will also serve as presenters. The seminar will be held at the UK Coldstream Research Campus Human Development Institute Training Room 1525 Bull Lea Road, Lexington KY. A link to the live video stream of the seminar will be sent to registrants.
Click here to register for the seminar. For help registering, contact walt.bower@uky.edu. Continue reading
The 4th Thursday ADA Talks: March
HDI and HDI CATS has launched an ADA Training series to be held on the fourth Thursday of each month covering different topics surrounding the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The next training will be led by Jason Jones and will cover ADA and EMPLOYMENT: Exploring TITLE 1 on March 22 from 10-11am. You can register at https://uky.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dmuHhROVAnYfsON or get more information by emailing hdiatcenter@l.uky.edu.
HDI Promotes Health and Wellness at the Special Olympics Kentucky State Basketball Tournament: The Healthy Athletes Event
HDI’s Elaine Eisenbaum, Lindsey Mullis, and Anna Fuller promoted good health with friends at the Special Olympics Kentucky State Basketball tournament—the Healthy Athletes event! Lindsey and Megan are the Kentucky Clinical Directors for the Health Promotion discipline, and Elaine is the Kentucky Clinical Director for the Strong Minds discipline. Strong Minds is a newly added Healthy Athletes discipline and this is the first time it was hosted in Kentucky! Strong Minds focuses on emotional wellness and developing strategies for coping with stress.
Athletes learn about and try different active coping strategies. This is important because we know that there are high rates of co-occurring mental health disabilities among people with intellectual disabilities. The Health Promotion discipline educates athletes on healthy living and healthy lifestyle choices, and also provides screenings for BMI, blood pressure, and bone density.