Do you want to tell your story?

Hello. My name is Jake Parsons. I live in Lexington Kentucky and I am 27 years old. I work at Walgreens and Common Grounds Coffee House. I am a member of the Kentucky Star Wars Collectors Club, and I play in a band called the Great Danes. I also have a dog named Bert, and I love the ocean and going surfing.

I have autism and it makes my brain work a little differently. Sometimes things are harder for me, but I am used to it.

Do you have a disability? Do you want to tell your story? The Human Development Institute is collecting stories about people living with disabilities. If you have a disability and you would like to be interviewed, or, if you would like to interview someone you know who has a disability, then contact Patti Logsdon at You can also fill out this form.  

People exercising.

Wellness Edge awards grants to local communities!

The University of Kentucky Human Development Institute’s Kentucky Inclusive Health Collaborative has awarded grants through Wellness Edge. This program aims to improve health outcomes for individuals with paralysis and their support networks. Wellness Edge also increases the capacity of local communities to enhance and facilitate access to inclusive recreational programs for people with paralysis and their support networks.

Wellness Edge provide grants of up to $25,000 to community organizations that provide organized recreational activities that are intentionally designed to benefit individuals, groups, or communities. This year’s grants have been awarded to the following organizations:

Adaptive Sport South Central Kentucky offers a variety of programs that tailor to the interests and needs of participants. The mission is to provide leisure and sport opportunities for people with physical disabilities, but also to educate the community. Offerings include competitive wheelchair basketball for youth and adults, adaptive water sports in partnership with Warren County Parks and Recreation, an inclusive archery program, and sled-hockey demonstrations.

The Derby City Curling Club is an inclusive organization that welcomes people of all ages and abilities. As the first curling club in Kentucky, Derby City Curling teaches, develops, promotes, and increases interest in the sport of curling. The goal of the Wellness Edge grant is to increase participation in the adaptive curling program that allows those with mobility issues and paralysis to participate in curling with their family and friends, foster new friendships and create opportunities to compete at their interest level.

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Share Your Story!

The University of Kentucky Human Development Institute – HDI Digital Storytelling Initiative is collecting stories about the lived experiences of people with disabilities. Our team will help record the story in the format that you choose. These stories will help improve our work. Are you interested in learning more? Contact Patti Logsdon at or 859-218-1338.

Share Your Story!

30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became law in 1990. The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. The ADA gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, state and local government services, and telecommunications (

Join the UK Human Development Institute during the month of July as we celebrate this life-changing event.  Throughout the month of July, visit our Facebook and Instagram accounts for videos and other content to reflect on the accomplishments of the last 30 years, while continuing our work to promote inclusion, independence, and contributions of people with disabilities and their families across the world.

Logo Credit:  ADA National Network

A woman with brown hair and black glasses wearing a black dress and copper sweater seated at a brown desk with white papers on it. A silver laptop is on her desk next to office supplies and a telephone. There is a multi-colored chart behind her.

Graduate Certificate in Developmental Disabilities Student Spotlight: Emily Moseley

After nearly ten years as a photographer, Emily Moseley decided to change careers. She wanted her work to promote social justice and equity while being of service to others, so she enrolled in the University of Kentucky Master’s degree in Social Work program along with the Human Development Institute’s (HDI) Graduate Certificate in Developmental Disabilities. She also began a research assistantship with HDI and is working on several projects related to people with disabilities and their experiences with COVID-19.

Emily explained that social work offers a holistic approach that appealed to her, and the certificate in Developmental Disabilities complemented her studies nicely. “I knew very little about disability,” she said. “It was a way to increase my learning experience, but I’ve been continually surprised about how well aligned HDI is with the social work program.” She went on to say that the certificate program has been “very enlightening and eye-opening and will definitely inform my work.” Continue reading