b/w photo of infant with black hair

Hausman and Howard to lead Kentucky’s Act Early Network

The University of Kentucky Human Development Institute (HDI) has received a 2020 Act Early State and Territorial Team COVID-19 Response Initiative grant funded through an existing cooperative agreement between the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.

Christine Hausman, Kentucky’s Act Early Ambassador, and Mary Howard, Director of Child Care Aware of Kentucky, will lead this effort to ensure there is continued and enhanced access to relevant developmental monitoring tools, materials, and program information that will improve resiliency of families with young children during the COVID-19 response. This opportunity is expected to help boost and evaluate the integration of parent-engaged developmental monitoring using “Learn the Signs. Act Early” (LTSAE) in statewide programs serving families with young children (birth to age 5).  

Dr. Kathy Sheppard-Jones, HDI’s Executive Director, says, “HDI has the team, the resources, and the broad partnerships necessary to carry out this critical initiative for Kentucky’s children and families.

Visit the LTSAE website to learn more.

Staff Photo of Darrell Mattingly

Governor Beshear appoints HDI Computer Specialist to Hart-Supported Living Council

Darrell Mattingly, Computer Specialist at UK Human Development Institute has been appointed by Governor Andy Beshear to serve a two-year term on the Hart-Supported Living Council. The Council is composed of 11 members and has statutory authority to make recommendations to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services regarding the delivery and quality of supported living services for people with disabilities.

The Hart-Supported Living Program began in 1992 and was amended in 2006. This law promotes opportunities to determine the kind and amount of natural supports desired by people with disabilities to live in a home of their choice and have access to participate in their local community. HDI has long been involved with Hart Supported Living, with staff having coordinating and Council membership roles. “Hart Supported Living promotes people with disabilities having control over their lives, and in determining what supports are needed to live in the community,” said Kathy Sheppard-Jones, Executive Director of HDI. “People with disabilities need to have the authority and responsibility to navigate their lives, as all people do. Darrell’s insights and genuinely caring approach makes him an asset to the Council and HDI”

Congratulations, Darrell!

staff photo of Dr. Kathy Sheppard-Jones

Dr. Sheppard-Jones selected for UK Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Team

Dr. Kathy Sheppard-Jones, Executive Director of the UK Human Development Institute and adjunct assistant professor of the College of Education, has been selected as a member of the University of Kentucky Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Team.  This team supports the execution of a comprehensive, enterprise-wide Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Implementation Plan that was recently announced by the University.

The entirety of research and scholarly activity of the Human Development Institute centers around inclusion and disability, within our mission and priority areas. Much of this work focuses on social justice issues such as enhanced employment opportunities for persons with disabilities, equitable access to child care, education, assistive technology and health disparities in under-represented populations.

You can follow the progress of the UK Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Team at www.uky.edu/president/diversity-equity-and-inclusion.




Caroline Gooden Staff Photo

HDI Program Administrator to serve as Co-Investigator for IMLS National Libraries Leadership Award

Dr. Caroline Gooden, Disability Program Administrator at the UK Human Development Institute, will serve as a Co-Investigator for the “Services for Children of All Abilities in Libraries: An Exploration (SCALE) project”. She will collect and analyze state-wide child data to measure child progress; consult with and coach local, state, and national staff that serve young children with disabilities, and conduct focus groups to guide technical assistance.

Dr. Maria Cahill, Associate Professor at UK’s School of Information Sciences in the College of Communication and Information and the Department of Educational Leadership Studies in the College of Education, will serve as Principal Investigator for the project which will research the value of libraries as community resources for young children with disabilities and developmental delays.

The research team will consist of six researchers representing the University of Kentucky, University of Missouri and Emporia State University. They will partner with state education and library agencies in their respective states to investigate the effectiveness of library services, practices, and behaviors for serving children with disabilities and/or developmental delays from infancy to five years old. The team will also develop webinars and instructional materials that address program management, engagement strategies, and tools that enable librarians to tailor programs and services that better meet the needs of this community.

Anticipated outcomes include increased public library programming; improved public library outreach to preschools serving children with disabilities and developmental delays; and increased awareness among families, caregivers, and service providers of educational and social opportunities available through public libraries.

Contact Caroline.Gooden@uky.edu for more information.

A woman with brown hair and black glasses wearing a black dress and copper sweater seated at a brown desk with white papers on it. A silver laptop is on her desk next to office supplies and a telephone. There is a multi-colored chart behind her.

Emily Moseley Awarded HDI’s Paul Kevin Burberry Award

The University of Kentucky (UK) Human Development Institute (HDI) has awarded the prestigious Paul Kevin Burberry Award to Emily Moseley. Emily began a research assistantship with HDI in 2019 and has worked on several projects related to people with disabilities and their experience with COVID-19 and information services. Emily is entering her second year of graduate studies to obtain a master’s degree in Social Work and the HDI graduate Certificate in Developmental Disabilities. This field of study will equip her to promote social justice and equity, while being of service to others.

Sara K. Green, Graduate Advisor from the UK College of Social Work says, “Emily is an exceptional student and a joy to work with. With her strong leadership capabilities, genuine care and concern for people, as well as an unbridled passion for the HDI and Developmental Disabilities, Emily truly exemplifies qualities of an outstanding Social Worker. As her Academic Advisor in the College of Social Work, I am so proud of her ongoing academic achievement as well as her many personal and professional accomplishments, the prestigious Paul Kevin Burberry award included. I cannot think of a more deserving recipient.”

The annual Paul Kevin Burberry Award honor is given to a student who has demonstrated a strong commitment to people with disabilities, academic excellence, and the leadership qualities exemplified by Burberry’s own life. It is named in memory of the Berea native who was the first student with significant physical disabilities to graduate from Berea Community High School. He went on to Berea College and UK, as a philosophy major. While a student at UK, Burberry worked with HDI to create training modules to train medical and allied health students on developmental disabilities. Though his life was cut short before graduation, he was posthumously awarded his UK degree with highest honors in 2004.

Beth Potter, HDI Director of Information Services says, “Emily’s work performance is evidence of her commitment to the HDI mission and vision which align with the extraordinary example set forth by Kevin Burberry”

Congratulations Emily Moseley!

July 2020