Haley Potter
Administrative Research Assistant
CORE, Universal Design, RETAIN, Merge, Sphere
Responsibilities: Graphic Design, Videography & Editing, Accessibility & Universal Design
Experiences: I serve as a Graphic Designer for several projects including Information Services, Universal Design at HDI, RETAIN, MHDD, and Learning Initiatives. Additionally, I have completed a Fund for Excellence (FFE) project, the Percussion Empowerment Project. This project offered free, virtual percussion classes to middle school girls. As a student, my Universal Design Practicum featured a guide to universal design for performing arts professionals.
Reason: As a designer, my goal is to design for all. As an artist and musician, I want to make the performing arts accessible to all. Being a musician has helped me in several areas of my life, including self-expression, leadership, and education, and I want others to have the same experience. I believe everyone has the right to experience the arts, but the arts are still inaccessible to many.
Interests: Performing Arts, Traveling, Cooking, Social Justice