Supporting use of AAC for transition-aged youth and adults, and school-aged children
AAC Resources
The underlying premise of TAALC is all students can and do communicate, and TAALC presentations are designed to provide training and experience in identifying communicative competence for students with complex communication needs.
TAALC resources have been created by the Low Incidence Initiative-Teaching Academic Age-appropriate Learning via Communication (TAALC) program.
Partner-assisted scanning is a communication strategy for students who have a consistent confirmation or rejection of offered choices. This confirmation or rejection can take the form of eye gaze, ...
Aided Language Modeling requires the communication partner to model the use of the AAC device by simultaneously touching the symbols for key words while saying the words of the ...
Peer-mediated supports are evidence based strategies that involve identifying and equipping a group of peers to provide ongoing support to students with significant disabilities in or outside of the ...
To reflect, interpret, and expand on a student’s unique communication, is to vocalize what the behavior (facial expression, body language, or vocalization) is communicating and expand that communication by ...
Words represented by symbols and used frequently and flexibly across the day are more likely to be learned by a student. Core words include verbs, adjectives/adverbs, and ...
The AAC strategy to identify preferences is the identification of activities and people that appear to engage a student with communication challenges. These preferences can then be used to ...
Teaching Peers to Support AAC Users
Teaching peers about Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) gets easier and easier. Whether elementary age or high school students there are many ...