Men with Down syndrome at work.

KentuckyWorks Post-Secondary Community Conversation

by Amanda Corbin

Nearly 100 people attended a community conversation on May 21 for self-advocates, families, and professionals to discuss how to increase post-secondary opportunities for youth with intellectual disabilities (ID). The conversation was held simultaneously in Morehead, Murray, and Lexington via video conference.

Guest speakers included Cate Weir, Project Director for the Think College National Coordinating Center; Dr. Harold Kleinert, former director of the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute; and Dr. Erik Carter, Special Education Professor at Vanderbilt.   Continue reading

Community Conversattion flyer photo

KentuckyWorks Family and Youth Engagement Community Conversation

Come join us on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 for youth with intellectual disabilities, families, and professionals to discuss what families and youth need to prepare for the world of work! We need to hear your voices, including parents of younger and older students with disabilities and youth with more significant needs. Help us figure out how to make employment a possibility for everyone! Continue reading

Photo of flyer for conference

Unpuzzling Disability: Self Advocates Redefining Leadership Coming in July!

The purpose of this event is to bring together people with all types of disabilities who are interested in developing and sharing leadership skills. In order to have our voices heard and respected, we must create stronger networks for sharing and supporting one another. Kentucky has a few self-advocacy groups, but they tend to be small and disconnected from one another. We are hoping that the unconference will help to create some stronger bonds and help us all to think about new ways to work together on issues of importance to our communities.

The unconference format is a great equalizer. There is a structure behind the apparent lack of structure that encourages participation by those who may have found themselves disempowered in more formal settings. There is a strong sense of ownership and connection that comes from the shared responsibility of creating and leading sessions. It is an approach very well suited to the discussion of self-advocate leadership. —Bev Harp

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KentuckyWorks Morehead Community Conversation Update

A Community Conversation held in Morehead, Kentucky on February 27, 2017 identified two major projects local volunteers determined would provide significant initiative to promote the transition of youth from school to work. One was the development of a Project Search like activity and remains in the early stages of development. The other is an employer engagement project referred to as the Inclusive Community Project for which a significant amount of progress occurred during the reporting period.  Continue reading

People exercising.

Building Healthy Inclusive Communities

“Inclusion is vital in today’s society for so many reasons and health is one of the most important! In order for people with a disability to be included they must be invited to participate at all levels from the planning process down to the programs. NCHPAD is here to help all organizations commit to inclusion in their programs and practices when it comes to health and wellness.” —Kelly Bonner

Join us in person or online for our Spring Seminar series on Friday, April 27, 2018 from 1 – 3pm ET to learn more about the “Building Healthy Inclusive Communities .” Learn more from Dr. Kelly Bonner, Senior Inclusion Specialist at the National Center on Health, Physical Activity & Disability—NCHPAD. She is a Certified Inclusive Fitness Trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine and has a passion for designing inclusive workout programs. Additional NCHPAD staff will also serve as presenters. The seminar will be held at the UK Coldstream Research Campus Human Development Institute Training Room 1525 Bull Lea Road, Lexington KY. A link to the live video stream of the seminar will be sent to registrants.

Click here to register for the seminar. For help registering, contact Continue reading