Two young preschool-aged boys working with a teacher on a puzzle.

Fund for Excellence Awarded for Teacher Effectiveness Study

We’re excited to share that HDI is offering a Fund for Excellence grant this year entitled “Teacher Effectiveness Pilot,” led by Dr. Caroline Gooden, Growing Together Preschool’s (GTP) Director Cerise Bouchard, and Education Coordinator Denise Menshouse.

The Teacher Effectiveness Pilot (TEP) will be conducted at Growing Together Preschool (GTP) in Lexington, with the full support of Director Cerise Bouchard and her staff. Four of GTPs classroom teachers will be the focus of the pilot, as classrooms where the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS; Pianta et al., 2008) is administered three times a year. Teachers will be rated on their classroom climate, teacher sensitivity, and productivity. Teacher goals relative to CLASS scores will be updated quarterly and will inform progress with the TEP. Continue reading

Man with Down syndrome working at a computer.

Fall Seminar: Supported Decision-Making and Guardianship

“Guardianship has been the default option for people who “need protection” for centuries.  It’s time to rethink that option. There are people who have a legitimate need for a guardian; however, many other people could be better served by simply  getting some support to make decisions. Supported decision-making is being utilized across the globe both as an alternative to guardianship and as a way to increase self-determination for all people with disabilities and older adults.” – Laura Butler

Join us in person or online for our Fall Seminar series on Friday, September 28, 2018 from 1 – 3pm ET to learn more about “Supported Decision-Making and Guardianship.”
Learn more from experts Laura Butler, Camille Collins, and Bill Dolan. The seminar will be held at the UK Coldstream Research Campus Human Development Institute Training Room 1525 Bull Lea Road, Lexington KY. A link to the live video stream of the seminar will be sent to registrants.

Click here to register for the seminar. For help registering, contact Continue reading

Photo of a conference room.

KentuckyWorks featured at Regional Parent Summit on Autism

by Larry Taylor, Ed.D., Executive Director Kentucky Autism Training Center

The Kentucky Autism Training Center and the Kentucky Office of Autism collaborated to offer the Regional Parent Summit at Greenbo Lake State Resort Park in Greenup, Kentucky. Parents of individuals with autism, self-advocates, and professionals gathered on June 28 and 29th to learn, network, and develop relationships. Continue reading

Two men, including one with prosthetics and one man using a wheelchair, exercising with a woman

Wellness Edge is ready to accept applications!

by Jason Jones

The University of Kentucky Human Development Institute (HDI) received a three-year grant totaling $600,000 from the Administration on Community Living. The project, Wellness Edge, is a Paralysis Resource Center State Pilot program grant. It will build connection within local communities to enhance and facilitate access to recreational programs to better serve people with paralysis and their support networks.

Wellness Edge will provide grants of up to $10,000-$24,999 to community organizations that provide organized recreational activities that are intentionally designed to benefit individuals, groups or communities. Continue reading

Photo of two children playing together at the library.

HDI and the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) Work to Create School Ready Libraries

By Mary Howard and Stephanie Meredith

HDI and the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) have worked for the past three years to prepare Kentucky libraries to be “School Ready Libraries” through funding  from a Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant at the Institute of Museum and Library Science. To fulfill the goals of this grant, HDI and KDLA have worked with Kentucky public library staff to provide them with the training and skills needed to implement successful school readiness programs. Through this project, KDLA hopes to provide access to essential knowledge of early childhood development to librarians so they can help students get ready for school at a young age and have the best chances for success. Check out the Kentucky School Ready Libraries website.​

“This was a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our relationship with an important community partner. This collaboration provided a chance to help educate on effective early childhood practices and also share information about what we do at HDI. A great opportunity that will hopefully lead to further work with KDLA in the future.”   —Mary Howard, HDI Research and Development Associate

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