light, medium and dark blue text on a document announcing the Virtual Open House

HDI Hosts Virtual Open House for the Undergraduate Certificate in Universal Design

The University of Kentucky Human Development Institute invites current and prospective students, staff, and faculty to a Virtual Open House to learn about the Undergraduate Certificate in Universal Design.  Universal Design creates products and environments that are as usable as possible by as many people as possible. Principles of Universal Design are utilized to make products, systems, buildings, classrooms, and other environments that are accessible to everyone. 

Register at to participate via Zoom on Thursday, May 21 at 3:00pm ET. A stipend up to $3000 is offered to students who are accepted into the certificate program on a competitive basis. Click here to learn more about the certificate program or you can contact Dr. Phillip Rumrill, Director of Research and Training, at 

Comic Book cover with 5 illustrations of people wearing blue shirts and gray pants

Enter now to win!

The University of Kentucky Human Development Institute – HDI​ with Michael Carter, creator of  the “Disability Don’t Mean Can’t” (DDMC) comic book series to host a competition.  Help Michael with the fourth installment of this motivational fitness resource by submitting a video or written description of an exercise using a fitness/therapy band that can be done outdoors.
Staff members from the HDI Kentucky Inclusive Health Collaborative and Michael will select the winning entry.  The winner will receive signed copies of DDMC Comic Book 1, 2, and 3 and will have their exercise featured in DDMC Comic Book #4.  Four additional people will also be selected by random drawing to receive signed copies of books 1-3.
Entries can be sent via Messenger to HDI or sent to by 11:59pm on May 14. The winner will be announced on May 15.
Contact with any questions or problems submitting your entry.


Blue and Yellow Graphic with text shown in original post

Do you have something to say about COVID-19 and disability?

The University of Kentucky Human Development Institute (HDI) is collecting stories from individuals with disabilities about COVID-19 in Kentucky and how it affects people living with disabilities. Your story can add to the discussions state leaders are having about the impact of COVID-19. There are different ways to tell your story. Visit to attach a file that tells your story in video, audio, pictures or in written form. You may have someone help you fill out the form. You can also contact HDI by calling 859-257-8104 and share your story by phone or video relay service.

Anyone with a disability-related issue or question can contact Kentucky Protection and Advocacy at 1-800-372-2988. You do not have to be receiving disability benefits or be a U.S. citizen to receive assistance.

By completing this survey, you are giving the Human Development Institute at the University of Kentucky (HDI-UK) and Kentucky Protection & Advocacy permission to share your story in advocacy on behalf of individuals with disabilities during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Your personal information will not be shared, unless HDI-UK contacts you for written consent.

UK Memorial Hall

UK Human Development Institute News Update

Staff from the UK Human Development Institute (HDI) began operating remotely more than a month ago. Using available tools and technology, HDI continues to promote the inclusion, independence, and contributions of people with disabilities and their families throughout the lifespan through education, research and evaluation, information sharing, leadership, and advocacy across Kentucky and the nation.  Some of these activities include:

  • Participating in state and national task forces addressing access and rationing of health care
  • Collaborating with state partners including the Lee Specialty Clinic and Dr. Matthew Holder to develop a series of videos for people with intellectual developmental disabilities to increase awareness of personal protective equipment and ways to stay healthy
  • Working with the Developmental Disabilities Network to ensure newly developed resources use plain language and are accessible
  • Developing a COVID-19 webpage that includes some critical content around the response and resources of interest to stakeholders
  • Creating a webinar led by the HDI Executive Director for the University of Kentucky’s Markey Cancer Affiliate Network on health equity and people with disabilities
  • Conducting research around experiences of people with Spinal Cord Injury and COVID-19 through targeted focus groups.
  • Developing project specific and Institute-wide one-page promotional documents on the effective use of technology while working remotely
  • Contributing content for University students to remain socially connected during the shift to distance learning by the University of Kentucky

HDI is pleased to share that despite the challenges people face today, our work continues.  In fact, some research and training efforts are accelerating. The HDI technology team is providing ongoing support to ensure all staff have training in technology to support their ability to work effectively.  Visit the HDI website regularly for updated news and the calendar of events.  Follow HDI on social media to learn more.

Facebook:  @ukhdi

Instagram:  @uk_hdi

Twitter:  @hdi_uky








Staff Photo of Danielle Augustin

Danielle Augustin selected as AUCD Emerging Leader

The UK Human Development Institute is pleased to announce the selection of Danielle Augustin as an Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Emerging Leader.  Emerging Leaders can make a collective impact at the local, state, and national level and are part of a community of early career professionals from all health and related disciplines, including self-advocates and family members; and others that are relatively new to the disability field.  AUCD provides an array of resources, including access to a diverse range of disability experts from across the country, as well as opportunities for leadership, academic, and professional growth.  

Danielle has her master’s degree in Health Promotion and is the Disability Education Health Coach for UK HDI Health and Wellness initiatives. As a health coach, Danielle aims to empower individuals with disabilities and their support networks to live a holistically healthy lifestyle which prioritizes the mental, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, sexual, and social aspects of health alongside the physical aspects.  

“The ability to continue to fight for the equality of people with disabilities, without discouragement, is both a meaningful skill and a beautiful art”.

              -Danielle Augustin

 Learn more about AUCD Emerging Leaders at

