Mentor Families
Your family knows a lot – share your knowledge and become a Mentor Family.
HDI is looking for families of children and young adults with developmental disabilities to share their stories in one-one-one experiences with pre-professional trainees. These trainees may be graduate students working on a Certificate in Developmental Disabilities, Pediatric Medical Residents, students majoring in social work, psychology or education, or Rehabilitation Counseling students. Residents and students gain insight and knowledge from families and individuals with disabilities, which help these students and future practitioners become more aware of relevant issues and interact more effectively with families.
The time commitment is minimal – either two or three visits during a month or a few visits over a semester. However, this sharing makes a huge impact on the trainee’s perspective of children and youth with disabilities and their families. Families are asked to meet with the trainee in a relaxed, natural environment, such as the home or in the community, and talk about the family’s experience and day-to-day life. Additional visits usually occur in the community – at school, during therapy, or on a family outing. Due to the trainees’ schedules, it is helpful if families live in Fayette Co. or in the surrounding counties.
If you would like more information, please contact Walt Bower, Ph.D., at (859) 257-3360 or at